Missing SBCLibraryConfig.cmake in SDK 0.11.0
I have installed SAMSON 0.11.0 and SDK 0.11.0. Although there was a CMake warning about missing SBCLibrary, the compilation finished without any errors (SAMSON_SDK_PATH was correctly set). I checked both KEY_DEVELOPER_DATA_PATH in KEY_SOFTWARE_INFO and SDKDeveloperDefinitions.cmake, they all are fine. SAMSON-SDK was executed but it didn't load the new element.
CMake Warning at /home/lqdong/OneAngstrom/SDK/0.11.0/cmake/FindSAMSONSDK.cmake:77 (FIND_PACKAGE): By not providing "FindSBCLibrary.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "SBCLibrary", but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "SBCLibrary" with any of the following names: SBCLibraryConfig.cmake sbclibrary-config.cmake
When SAMSON-debug ran, there was no line for loading my UUID element. Other elements come with xml information file so I tried to define it my self. This time, SAMSON-debug console reported:
=============== SBGPath summary infos ================ =================================================================== =================================================================== 4596610A-C0D5-7C96-9058-E9FC3D2FDB32.so Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------ > Cannot load library Sorry I cannot help you ===================================================================```
This means SAMSON-debug tried to load developer element at the correct PATH (if this element has xml). I suspect that the problem was caused by missing SBCLibrary. I couldn't find SBCLibraryConfig.cmake in SDK directory. Could anybody help me with this?
Best regards,
Dear sir,
Can you please execute theses command and provide the output
ldd 4596610A-C0D5-7C96-9058-E9FC3D2FDB32.soJocelyn
Thank you so much for helping me. I tried to link exactly Qt5.12.5 (my own version is 5.14.1) so it works now. Again, thank you so much.
Best regards,