Van der Waals Tutorial - Casting Shadows
I'm having some issues with the casting shadows part of the Van Der Walls tutorial.
this is the provided code:
void SEVanDerWaalsVisualModel::displayForShadow() {
}which I inserted below the void SEVanDerWaalsVisualModel::display... section. However, I am getting these errors
and advice would be great.
Thank you,
Lauren -
Dear @Lauren ,
We are sorry, the tutorial might be slightly outdated in that it was done with the previous version of SAMSON SDK. It should rather be a single
function that getsSBNode::RenderingPass
:class SEVanDerWaalsVisualModel: public SBMVisualModel { SB_CLASS public : // ... virtual void display(SBNode::RenderingPass renderingPass); ///< Displays the visual model // ... }
I will update the tutorial shortly and will let you know. Thank you for reporting this issue.
For now, you can check the updated code in our GitHub repository: SAMSON-Developer-Tutorials.
In the Developer Guide, this tutorial's code and some of its descriptions are for its previous version and will be updated soon.
Dear @Lauren ,
We have updated the Creating visualizations: Van der Waals visual model tutorial in our Developer Guide.
You can also check out the code samples corresponding to this tutorial here: The code samples contain more optimized code and some additional functionality.