Opening .PDB file
Dear Samson Team!
I tried to open a .pdb file which contains a simple methane molecule (just to test/try SAMSON) but I got an error message: "Sorry, could not open .../methane.pdb"
What did I do wrong? Which element do I have to add?
I attach the file in .py format.0_1569765268056_methane.pyBest regards,
Hello, thanks for your interest in SAMSON! Could you please log in to SAMSON Connect and go to My SAMSON / My Elements to check that you have not removed the Basic importers SAMSON Element that should be added by default? If necessary, here is the link to add it again:
(I renamed the file you provided to methane.pdb and it worked here.)
Dear Stephane Redon,
Yes, I have already added, but I copied the files and moved just to Desktop, renamed and worked it. Thank you for the trick! :)
Best regards,
Ah ok good. Yes SAMSON determines which importer to use based on the file extension.