Jun 7, 2018, 2:43 PM

Yes, you can create a Selenium nanoparticle (SeNP) in a spherical shape in SAMSON using Python Scripting (https://samson-connect.net/app/main?key=element&uuid=7b654ce6-e38c-b97f-6746-4fd6934487c2). For that, you need to know the geometrical placement of Selenium atoms on the sphere.

Let us have such positions in the following arrays: x, y, z.

layer = SAMSON.getActiveLayer() # get an active layer; you also can create one
structuralModel = sam.Modeling.StructuralModel.StructuralModel() # a structural model, where atoms will be place
structuralModel.create() # create it
layer.addChild(structuralModel) # add this structural model in the layer
structuralRoot = structuralModel.getStructuralRoot() # get a structural root of this structural model, atoms can not be directly added into structural model
# define arrays x, y, z
# ...
# ...
# create Selenium atoms and add them in the data graph
for i in range(0,len(x)):
    # create a Selenium atom
    seleniumAtom = sam.Modeling.StructuralModel.Atom(SAMSON.getElementTypeBySymbol('Se'), Quantity.angstrom(x[i]), Quantity.angstrom(y[i]),Quantity.angstrom(z[i]))
    structuralRoot.addChild(seleniumAtom) # add it in the structural root