That was it!! The file on ~/.config/NANO-D was missing some of the variables as the one in ~/.config/OneAngstrom, so I copied it over.
Thank you very much!
I am following the documentation for developing elements in Linux. All steps work except the install step, where I get an error from the cmake:
[build] -- Install configuration: "Debug"
[build] -- Installing: /Elements/DDA2A078-1AB6-96BA-0D14-EE1717632D7A/Data
[build] CMake Error at SEElement/cmake_install.cmake:44 (file):
[build] file INSTALL cannot make directory
[build] "/Elements/DDA2A078-1AB6-96BA-0D14-EE1717632D7A/Data": No such file or
[build] directory
[build] Call Stack (most recent call first):
[build] cmake_install.cmake:37 (include)
I have go through the documentation several times and if I am forgetting to set some environmental variable I am not finding which one.
In which folder should the element be copied to? Perhaps it was not created when installing the SDK (I installed it locally)?
Thanks and best regards,
There is an issue with the new Installer you may solve it in 2 steps :
Step 1 :
edit this file ~/.config/OneAngstrom/KEY_SOFTWARE_INFO.conf
The file contains that line :
You can also duplicate it with the 2 different spellings
Step 2:
edit this file ~/OneAngstrom/SDK/0.8.1/cmake/SDKDeveloperDefinitions.cmake
The file contains that line : FILE( TO_CMAKE_PATH "....." CMAKE_SAMSON_DEVELOPER_DATA_PATH )
Hope it will solve the issue.
Thanks for your quick reply! It did solve it, now it builds and installs properly. Unfortunately neither SAMSON nor the SDK seem to fetch the app, it just doesn't appear on SAMSON and there is no mention of it on the log. I also try with a new empty App, and same thing happen. Do you have some idea where might be the problem?
Can you please check if it installs well inside ~/.OneAngstrom/SAMSON/DEVELOPER/Elements/{UUID of your element}
The line inside KEY_SOFTWARE_INFO.conf containing KEY_DEVELOPPER_DATA_PATH refers to this path : ~/.OneAngstrom/SAMSON/DEVELOPER ?
Yes, it is installed there, and that's the path where KEY_DEVELOPPER_DATA_PATH is pointed too (I also left KEY_DEVELOPER_DATA_PATH pointing there, just in case).
First : make sure theses variables contains the full path and not ~/.....
Second : Not sure at all, did you reboot after modifying the conf file? I don't know how linux deals with internaly.
Yes, the variables contain the full path. I rebooted and reinstalled the SDK, just in case (modified again the cmake file), but still it is not working for my App or for a newly created App. I am using 0.7.0, by the way, and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Edit: here is what's log to the console when I run the SDK, no mention to the developed Apps:
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
=============== SBGPath summary infos ================
> SBGPath::getSAMSONPath() = /home/user/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Application/0.7.0
> SBGPath::getSDKPath() = .
> SBGPath::getUserDataPath() = /home/user/Documents/OneAngstrom/SAMSON
> SBGPath::getUserElementPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Elements
> SBGPath::getUserElementDataPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Data/Elements
> SBGPath::getUserDownloadedElementPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Download/Elements
> SBGPath::getDevelopperDataPath() =
> SBGPath::getDevelopperElementPath() = /Elements
> SBGPath::getDevelopperElementPackagedPath() = /Connect/Elements
> SBGPath::getBinaryPath() = ./SAMSON-Debug/Binaries
> SBGPath::getCurrentSkinPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Resource/Skins/Default
> SBGPath::getCursorPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Resource/Skins/Default/Cursors
> SBGPath::getIconPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Resource/Skins/Default/Icons
> SBGPath::getImagePath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Resource/Skins/Default/Images
> SBGPath::getSoundPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Resource/Skins/Default/Sounds
> SBGPath::getSplashScreenPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Resource/Skins/Default/SplashScreens
> SBGPath::getStylePath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Resource/Skins/Default/StyleSheets
> SBGPath::getInterfacePath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Resource/Interface
> SBGPath::getScratchPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch
> SBGPath::getScratchElementPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements
> SBGPath::getScratchUpdatesPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Updates
> SBGPath::getShaderPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Resource/Shaders
> SBGPath::getTranslationPath() = /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Resource/Translations
=============== SBGPath summary infos ================
Disabling SBIWebService
SBIWebService::downloadElementXMLFile : WebService is disabled abort
Allowed elements ids in database:
1 -> "06485695-DEE2-1383-A575-E5AABA05DCCD"
2 -> "0808A8EF-125F-1382-18D4-65B7997BB794"
3 -> "154ACCDA-8950-C6B2-7456-DAB6BA82AA5D"
4 -> "385FE362-ADFD-CE55-95C0-4E63560EFA29"
5 -> "6F5D45C5-E76E-CDC8-52D5-D2821C128BE8"
6 -> "9DFF7162-FFBF-C149-C9D3-2E1DEBC40321"
7 -> "ADFD5395-CF7A-23EB-4FB4-F1F7DA85D9C3"
8 -> "B0D9900C-B058-E7FA-4C31-D85F18B9C4E2"
9 -> "CE375B52-7D0B-7DF0-AA3E-EB0AD85BEBFE"
10 -> "CEBACCDA-8950-C6B2-7456-D077BA82AA5D"
11 -> "EC83FAEB-1A42-FF16-EEB2-CF021EF38EBF"
"start 0 0 files downloaded successfully\n"
Could not open "/home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/disabledElements.info"
Extracting /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements/06485695-DEE2-1383-A575-E5AABA05DCCD
Extracting /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements/0808A8EF-125F-1382-18D4-65B7997BB794
Extracting /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements/154ACCDA-8950-C6B2-7456-DAB6BA82AA5D
Extracting /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements/385FE362-ADFD-CE55-95C0-4E63560EFA29
Extracting /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements/6F5D45C5-E76E-CDC8-52D5-D2821C128BE8
Extracting /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements/9DFF7162-FFBF-C149-C9D3-2E1DEBC40321
Extracting /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements/ADFD5395-CF7A-23EB-4FB4-F1F7DA85D9C3
Extracting /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements/B0D9900C-B058-E7FA-4C31-D85F18B9C4E2
Extracting /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements/CE375B52-7D0B-7DF0-AA3E-EB0AD85BEBFE
Extracting /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements/CEBACCDA-8950-C6B2-7456-D077BA82AA5D
Extracting /home/user/.local/share/OneAngstrom/SAMSON-Data/0.7.0/Scratch/Elements/EC83FAEB-1A42-FF16-EEB2-CF021EF38EBF
Registering: An app to download structures from the Protein Data Bank
Registering: PDB Download
Registering: This element contains three exporters (*xyz, *.pdb, *.mol2) to easily export models from SAMSON
Registering: Protein Data Bank (*.pdb)
Registering: XYZ (*.xyz)
Registering: Mol2 (*.mol2)
Registering: This element is used to generate an empty element from a template and gain time on this creation process.
Registering: SEAElementGeneratorApp : SAMSON Element generator pro tip: modify me
Registering: This element contains three importers (*xyz, *.mol2, *.pdb [with aliases: *.pdb1, ..., *.pdb6, *.ent, *.vdb]) to easily load models into SAMSON
Registering: Protein Data Bank (*.pdb4)
Registering: Protein Data Bank (*.ent)
Registering: Protein Data Bank (*.pdb5)
Registering: VIPERdb, PDB format (*.vdb)
Registering: Protein Data Bank (*.pdb6)
Registering: XYZ (*.xyz)
Registering: Protein Data Bank (*.pdb)
Registering: Mol2 (*.mol2)
Registering: Protein Data Bank (*.pdb1)
Registering: Protein Data Bank (*.pdb2)
Registering: Protein Data Bank (*.pdb3)
Registering: This element is used to generate UUID directly from SAMSON in one click.
Registering: UUID Genenerator : SAMSON Element that generate UUID in one click.
Registering: This element contains a set of essential editors for SAMSON, for example to select, translate, erase, rotate...
Registering: Translation controller plane
Registering: Torsion
Registering: Ruler
Registering: Delegate
Registering: Translation controller center GUI
Registering: Rotation controller axis
Registering: Translation controller plane GUI
Registering: Rotation controller axis GUI
Registering: Angle
Registering: Atom-atom distance
Registering: Atom name
Registering: Translation controller axis
Registering: Translation controller center
Registering: Translation
Registering: Eraser
Registering: Rotation controller
Registering: Translation controller axis GUI
Registering: Bond order
Registering: Group name
Registering: Translation controller
Registering: Move camera
Registering: Atom creator
Registering: Rotation controller track-ball GUI
Registering: Bond length
Registering: Rotation controller track-ball
Registering: Rectangle selection
Registering: Lasso selection
Registering: Point selection
Registering: Rotation
Registering: SAMSON document exporters (*.sam and *.samx)
Registering: SAMSON Documents (*.samx)
Registering: SAMSON Documents (*.sam)
Registering: SAMSON document importers (*.sam and *.samx)
Registering: SAMSON Documents (*.samx)
Registering: SAMSON Documents (*.sam)
Registering: This element is used to package and validate an elment you developed and wanted to publish.
Registering: SEAElementPackagerApp : SAMSON Element generator pro tip: modify me
Registering: This element is a group called default visual models to easily display different molecule visualizations in SAMSON
Registering: Gaussian surface
Registering: Ball and stick
Registering: Ball-and-stick
Registering: Van der Waals
Registering: Lines
Registering: Licorice
Registering: Lines
Registering: Van der Waals
Registering: Gaussian surface
Registering: Licorice
Registering: A visual model to represent secondary structure
Registering: Secondary structure
Registering: SAMSON Base - Data Model - App
Registering: App
Registering: SAMSON Base - Data Model - Color
Registering: Color scheme per chain ID
Registering: Constant color scheme
Registering: Color scheme per temperature factor
Registering: CPK color scheme
Registering: Color scheme per residue sequence number
Registering: Color scheme per residue type
Registering: Color scheme per partial charge
Registering: Color scheme per secondary structure type
Registering: Color scheme per occupancy
Registering: Color scheme per formal charge
Registering: SAMSON Base - Data Model - Data Graph
Registering: Data graph node
Registering: Node group
Registering: Data graph node color scheme
Registering: SAMSON Base - Data Model - Document
Registering: Label
Registering: Camera
Registering: Layer
Registering: Document
Registering: SAMSON Base - Data Model - Structural Model
Registering: Molecule
Registering: Backbone
Registering: Atom
Registering: Segment
Registering: Bond
Registering: Side chain
Registering: Path
Registering: Chain
Registering: Structural model
Registering: Grid
Registering: Structural particle
Registering: Residue
Registering: Structural nodes
Registering: Conformation
Registering: Pseudo-atom
Registering: Structural group
Registering: SAMSON Base - Data Model - Visual Model
Registering: SAMSON Base - Data Model - Controller
Registering: Controller
Registering: Controller node
Registering: SAMSON Base - GUI - DataGraph
Registering: SAMSON Base - GUI - Document
Registering: The GUI of a camera
Registering: The GUI of a layer
Registering: SAMSON Base - GUI - Editor
Registering: Editor
Registering: SAMSON Base - GUI - Inspector
Registering: Inspector - SBQuantity::mass Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBQuantity::length Factory
Registering: Inspector - Bool Factory
Registering: Inspector - Node Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBBond::BondType Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBQuantity::dimensionless Factory
Registering: Inspector - int Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBNode::Type Factory
Registering: Inspector - double Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBResidue::ResidueType Factory
Registering: Inspector - std::string Factory
Registering: Inspector - float Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBQuantity::second Factory
Registering: Inspector - unsigned short Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBPosition3 Factory
Registering: Inspector - short Factory
Registering: Inspector - char Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBVector3 Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBQuantity::dimensionless Factory
Registering: Inspector - unsigned int Factory
Registering: Inspector - Atom Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBResidue::SecondaryStructureType Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBPath::AnimationType Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBElement::Type Factory
Registering: Inspector - SBQuantity::time Factory
Registering: Inspector - char Factory
Registering: SAMSON Base - GUI - Structural model
Registering: The GUI of an atom
Registering: The GUI of a structural model
Registering: The GUI of a structural model conformation
Registering: The GUI of a bond
Registering: The GUI of a structural model conformation
Registering: SAMSON Base - Facade - SAMSON
Registering: The SAMSON Facade
PDBDowloader: Gzip Importer is not installed - switching off its functionality
PDBDowloader: PDBx/mmCIF Importer is not installed - switching off its functionality
PDBDowloader: MMTF Importer is not installed - switching off its functionality
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
QColor::setRgb: RGB parameters out of range
QColor::setRgb: RGB parameters out of range
QColor::setRgb: RGB parameters out of range
QColor::setRgb: RGB parameters out of range
QColor::setRgb: RGB parameters out of range
QColor::setRgb: RGB parameters out of range
QColor::setRgb: RGB parameters out of range
b, Ununoctium
a, Ununoctium
QColor::setRgb: RGB parameters out of range
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
SBIWebService::downloadElementXMLFile : WebService is disabled abort
SBIWebService::downloadElementXMLFile : WebService is disabled abort
Allowed elements in database:
- "elementName" "Secondary structure on GPUs"
- "elementDeveloperID" "C682B30F-0D21-4CDB-B968-B72E225DDC8F"
- "elementID" "06485695-DEE2-1383-A575-E5AABA05DCCD"
- "elementVersion" "0.7.0"
- "checksumDebug" 0
- "checksumRelease" 0
- "elementDescription" ""
- "elementOS" ""
- "samsonVersion" "0.7.0"
- "forceUpdate" false
- "elementName" "SDK Element Packager"
- "elementDeveloperID" "C682B30F-0D21-4CDB-B968-B72E225DDC8F"
- "elementID" "0808A8EF-125F-1382-18D4-65B7997BB794"
- "elementVersion" "0.7.0"
- "checksumDebug" 0
- "checksumRelease" 0
- "elementDescription" ""
- "elementOS" ""
- "samsonVersion" "0.7.0"
- "forceUpdate" false
- "elementName" "SAMSON Visual Models"
- "elementDeveloperID" "C682B30F-0D21-4CDB-B968-B72E225DDC8F"
- "elementID" "154ACCDA-8950-C6B2-7456-DAB6BA82AA5D"
- "elementVersion" "0.7.0"
- "checksumDebug" 0
- "checksumRelease" 0
- "elementDescription" ""
- "elementOS" ""
- "samsonVersion" "0.7.0"
- "forceUpdate" false
- "elementName" "Basic importers"
- "elementDeveloperID" "C682B30F-0D21-4CDB-B968-B72E225DDC8F"
- "elementID" "385FE362-ADFD-CE55-95C0-4E63560EFA29"
- "elementVersion" "0.7.7"
- "checksumDebug" 0
- "checksumRelease" 0
- "elementDescription" ""
- "elementOS" ""
- "samsonVersion" "0.7.0"
- "forceUpdate" false
- "elementName" "Protein Data Bank Downloader"
- "elementDeveloperID" "C682B30F-0D21-4CDB-B968-B72E225DDC8F"
- "elementID" "6F5D45C5-E76E-CDC8-52D5-D2821C128BE8"
- "elementVersion" "0.7.4"
- "checksumDebug" 0
- "checksumRelease" 0
- "elementDescription" ""
- "elementOS" ""
- "samsonVersion" "0.7.0"
- "forceUpdate" false
- "elementName" "SAMSON Format Exporter"
- "elementDeveloperID" "C682B30F-0D21-4CDB-B968-B72E225DDC8F"
- "elementID" "9DFF7162-FFBF-C149-C9D3-2E1DEBC40321"
- "elementVersion" "0.7.0"
- "checksumDebug" 0
- "checksumRelease" 0
- "elementDescription" ""
- "elementOS" ""
- "samsonVersion" "0.7.0"
- "forceUpdate" false
- "elementName" "SDK UUID Generator"
- "elementDeveloperID" "C682B30F-0D21-4CDB-B968-B72E225DDC8F"
- "elementID" "ADFD5395-CF7A-23EB-4FB4-F1F7DA85D9C3"
- "elementVersion" "0.7.0"
- "checksumDebug" 0
- "checksumRelease" 0
- "elementDescription" ""
- "elementOS" ""
- "samsonVersion" "0.7.0"
- "forceUpdate" false
- "elementName" "SDK Element Generator"
- "elementDeveloperID" "C682B30F-0D21-4CDB-B968-B72E225DDC8F"
- "elementID" "B0D9900C-B058-E7FA-4C31-D85F18B9C4E2"
- "elementVersion" "0.7.1"
- "checksumDebug" 0
- "checksumRelease" 0
- "elementDescription" ""
- "elementOS" ""
- "samsonVersion" "0.7.0"
- "forceUpdate" false
- "elementName" "SAMSON Format importers"
- "elementDeveloperID" "C682B30F-0D21-4CDB-B968-B72E225DDC8F"
- "elementID" "CE375B52-7D0B-7DF0-AA3E-EB0AD85BEBFE"
- "elementVersion" "0.7.0"
- "checksumDebug" 0
- "checksumRelease" 0
- "elementDescription" ""
- "elementOS" ""
- "samsonVersion" "0.7.0"
- "forceUpdate" false
- "elementName" "SAMSON Editors"
- "elementDeveloperID" "C682B30F-0D21-4CDB-B968-B72E225DDC8F"
- "elementID" "CEBACCDA-8950-C6B2-7456-D077BA82AA5D"
- "elementVersion" "0.7.3"
- "checksumDebug" 0
- "checksumRelease" 0
- "elementDescription" ""
- "elementOS" ""
- "samsonVersion" "0.7.0"
- "forceUpdate" false
- "elementName" "Basic exporters"
- "elementDeveloperID" "C682B30F-0D21-4CDB-B968-B72E225DDC8F"
- "elementID" "EC83FAEB-1A42-FF16-EEB2-CF021EF38EBF"
- "elementVersion" "0.7.2"
- "checksumDebug" 0
- "checksumRelease" 0
- "elementDescription" ""
- "elementOS" ""
- "samsonVersion" "0.7.0"
- "forceUpdate" false
QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SBGWidgetOnExit "", which already has a layout
SBIWebService::sendEnd : WebService is disabled abort
I think the problem might be here: SBGPath::getDevelopperElementPath() = /Elements
, but as I said in .config the path is absolute: /home/user/.OneAngstrom/SAMSON/DEVELOPER
Best regards,
Ok can you check the file ~/.config/NANO-D/KEY_SOFTWARE_INFO.conf
If it does not exist you can copy the one inside ~/.config/NANO-D/ there.
If it exists, please verify the definition of the variable KEY_DEVELOPPER_DATA_PATH also,
Im sorry was sure you used SAMSON 0.8.0 or more.
That was it!! The file on ~/.config/NANO-D was missing some of the variables as the one in ~/.config/OneAngstrom, so I copied it over.
Thank you very much!
You welcome, sorry for the issue, we will relase the new installer soon
Looking forward to it!
By the way, do you know if there are any problems with the following code on Linux?
return QPixmap(QString::fromStdString(SB_ELEMENT_PATH + "/Resource/icons/break.png"));
Editor's icon are not displayed on Linux, but they do work fine in our Windows version.
Best regards,
@elisa Usually this is due to the case sensitivity on Linux, could you, please verify the name of the file.
You are totally right, @DmitriyMarin, we were mixing cases!!
@elisa A common problem due to Windows being case-insensitive. :)