First of all I have to thank you for the quick response. Funnily, I thought of using const_cast on the matrix pointer beforehand but considered it as too "hacky".
There should be several possibilites how one could introduce this into the API:
Each camera gets a state that determines whether it implements a symmetric or asymmetric projection including two methods that query and set the state. Then, an additonal method (possibly like SetPlanesAsymmetric(float left, float right, float top, float bottom)) could be used to transfer the wanted plane values to SAMSON. This approach would leave the old API intact, if the symmetric projection is the standard state.
Derive a class like SBDAsymmetricDocumentCamera from the currently available SBDDocumentCamera, overriding all methods concerning the projection matrix. This is probably the least favourable alternative, although the old API would still be valid.
The camera gets two additional methods SetValuesSymmetric(float aspect, float fovy, float zNear, float zFar) and SetValuesAsymmetric(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float zNear, float zFar). Then, the GetProjectionMatrix() and GetProjectionMatrixTranspose() methods would have to be changed to take an additional boolean input parameter determining which kind of matrix is wanted. This would break the old API and I am not sure how this would propagate to the convenience display methods like SAMSON::displayCylinders(...).
Unfortunately I do not know which of these possibilities (and I probably missed some additional ones) would fit best into your way of writing SAMSON.