Dear @Jean-Baptiste ,
Thank you for your interest in SAMSON!
According to your screenshot, I think the problem here is due to an unnecessary newline character in the command you past in the PowerShell terminal due to copying.
Please, note: we recommend not to build your Elements in the SAMSON Debug folders - you should use a dedicated folder to develop your SAMSON Elements
If you have -DQT5_CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIR environment variable defined in your system you can compile for Visual Studio 2017 like this:
cmake -DSAMSON_SDK_PATH="C:\Program Files\NANO-D\SDK\0.7.0" -G"Visual Studio 15 Win64" ..
else like this:
cmake -DSAMSON_SDK_PATH="C:\Program Files\NANO-D\SDK\0.7.0" -G"Visual Studio 15 Win64" -DQT5_CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIR="C:\Qt\5.9.3\msvc2017_64\lib\cmake" ..
You can copy the command from here.
You can also check whether the cmake is defined in your system by e.g. checking its version number:
cmake --version
I would also recommend to follow the updated tutorial on Building on Windows in the Developer guide.